“Eternal Obsession” delves into the unsettling psyche of Ethan, a troubled young man consumed by a morbid obsession with death. As his fixation intensifies, he spirals into a sinister double life, meticulously plotting and carrying out gruesome murders. The film explores the chilling descent into darkness as Ethan’s inner demons drive him to increasingly heinous acts. A relentless detective closes in on his trail, setting the stage for a harrowing showdown between a disturbed killer and the pursuit of justice. “Eternal Obsession” is a bone-chilling thriller that delves into the darkest corners of obsession and the relentless pursuit to stop a remorseless murderer.
Premium matte poster. Made with museum-grade paper (175gsm fine art paper), the poster is printed with top-tier pigmented archival inks for a stunning end result.
.: 175 gsm fine art paper with matte finish
.: 38 sizes to choose from
.: For indoor use
.: Assembled in the USA from globally sourced parts
.: Free shipping
12″ x 18″ | 20″ x 30″ | 24″ x 36″ | 36″ x 54″ | |
Width, cm | 30.48 | 50.80 | 60.96 | 91.44 |
Length, cm | 45.72 | 76.20 | 91.44 | 137.16 |