Embark on an interstellar journey with “The Return of the Frontier,” a heart-pounding tale of courage and survival. Meet Commander Ava Drake, a fearless woman astronaut tasked with exploring an uncharted alien planet. But what starts as a scientific expedition quickly transforms into a desperate battle for her life as she encounters a horrifying extraterrestrial creature. Armed with her wits, training, and sheer determination, Ava must navigate the treacherous terrain and outsmart the relentless monster. In this harrowing fight for survival, Ava’s resilience and resourcefulness will be tested to the limit as she strives to overcome the monstrous threat and find her way back home.
Premium matte vertical posters. Made with museum-grade paper (175gsm fine art paper), the poster is printed with top-tier pigmented archival inks for a stunning end result.
.: 175 gsm fine art paper
.: Multiple sizes
.: Matte finish
.: For indoor use
.: Free shipping
12″ x 18″ | 20″ x 30″ | 24″ x 36″ | |
Width, cm | 30.48 | 50.80 | 60.96 |
Length, cm | 45.72 | 76.20 | 91.44 |